It’s late July and summer is in full swing here at the Brampton. The grounds are as green and verdant as they get all year: Lilies have bloomed, black eyed Susans stare back at you wherever you look. Every weekend someone has a barbeque or a pool party. Zucchinis, tomatoes, peppers and eggplant threaten to take over the world. All of these things help to make summertime summer. But perhaps the best, or at least the tastiest, sign of summer is PIE.
The word itself conjures up good feelings and a friendly vibe. Who doesn’t want to linger over a piece of pie, coffee and and conversation with a friend? It’s an all around likable entity, pie is. Of course summer doesn’t necessarily have the monopoly on pie; thankfully pie is a year round staple: strawberry rhubarb in the spring; pumpkin and pecan in the fall. In winter we can indulge in cream pies. Still, in the summer time, pie takes center stage no matter what the fruit of the season is. Cherry pie, blueberry pie, peach pie…it’s like a parade of pies. What’s more summery than a parade?Everyone’s favorite, apple pie, though made of a fall fruit, is enjoyed year round and is quite the symbol of Americana. There’s nothing more American than an apple pie, right? (Except that pies came here with the English Colonists and were originally made with meat. But fast forward a few hundred years and you can delight in the juicy, fruity goodness that is “American Pie”!)A quick Google search will yield a plethora of “pie” related sayings and quotations with all manner of meanings:EASY AS PIEPIE-EYEDHUMBLE PIEPIE IN THE SKYCUTIE PIEHow did this come to be? Why do we use this one food to say so many different things? Maybe because pie is universal. Everyone loves it. It makes people happy. Pie goes with the flow. It doesn’t have to look pretty to be awesome. Bake a pie, and your day gets better. All this is true.
“If you wish to make an apple pie truly from scratch, you must first invent the universe.”
Carl Sagan, Cosmos (1934-1996)
My favorite quotation about pie turns out to be from an astronomer. Told you pie is UNIVERSE-al.
Join Us February 23 for Wedding Open House at Brampton 1860!
Join us for an enchanting afternoon where love and joy are in the air. Enjoy complimentary bubbly and light refreshments. Discover the magic of our venue, meet our wonderful event team and several of our vendor partners, and explore the grounds, ceremony and reception spaces and guest rooms.