Birding at the Brampton

Did you know that the Brampton Inn’s property has been named a Certified Wildlife Habitat by the National Wildlife Federation?

We certainly have what that takes… as our proudly displayed sign says:  “the four basic elements needed for wildlife to thrive: food, water, cover and places to raise young.”  We supply bird seed in the winter; there are lots of flowering or fruiting trees that feed birds; we have a pond; lots of brush piles and nooks and crannies for nest building; there’s even room for a family of foxes, though we don’t know exactly where their den is.

If you want to have your yard, garden or property certified, follow this link.

These two beautiful, mature bald eagles were spotted at Eastern Neck Wildlife Refuge a couple of weeks ago by some of our guests, who shot this photo.  They saw another pair as well that same day.

Yesterday evening while bringing the kitchen scraps to the compost pile, I saw a raptor of some sort in the trees.  I believe it was a Cooper’s Hawk, but I’m not positive.  There is a Barred Owl that lives on the property and isn’t shy about having his picture taken.  See our post titled “Guess Whooooo Came to Visit” from 2009.   And of course the hummingbird’s nest in the sugar maple tree right by the front porch was quite the cause for distraction last year.  It was about the size of a golf ball, but it fit the bill!

There are so many opportunities for bird watching at or near our Chestertown Bed and Breakfast that we are working on a special weekend package that features Birding at Brampton as its theme.  Watch for news about it here on our blog and on our homepage as well.  In fact, if this is something that interests you, we would love it if you would let us know. Thanks!

Join us for a Murder Mystery Weekend! 

March 14-16 take part in the whodunnit festivities! Hurry book by 3/12!!

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Beat the Winter Blues at Brampton 1860!

        Any 2 nights Sunday-Thursday, for 25% off your second night. Any 3 nights including weekends, for 50% off your third night. Stays through March 31.

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