Best Wishes from the Brampton for a Happy New Year

From the bottom of our hearts- Happy New Year

The turn of a new year is simply that: we turn the calendar to a new page…and perhaps we hope for a new start, or a fresh perspective on things.  What are you hoping for?  Do you have exciting plans for this year?  Let us know!

2015 was an eventful year here and 2016 promises to bring some changes at the Brampton;  we promise to keep you up to date on all of them.   Check in with us here on the blog and on Facebook and keep up with us and our shenanigans.  One thing that never changes, though, is our annual New Year’s Eve cocktail party.  Bubbly and appetizers with new friends and old, by a crackling fire .  This is one of our very favorite traditions here at the inn.

It’s no secret that our little blog is a tool for marketing… but that doesn’t mean it isn’t sincere:  we enjoy sharing news, recipes and events.  It happens to be a nice bonus that it helps keep us “relevant” in terms of an internet presence.  Please know this:  when we use it to wish our friends well, it really does come from the heart.  So with that in mind, let us wish you a joyous and peaceful new year, filled with everything you are hoping for!  We hope to see you soon.

Join us for a Murder Mystery Weekend! 

March 14-16 take part in the whodunnit festivities! Hurry book by 3/12!!

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Beat the Winter Blues at Brampton 1860!

        Any 2 nights Sunday-Thursday, for 25% off your second night. Any 3 nights including weekends, for 50% off your third night. Stays through March 31.

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