A First at Brampton

Next year will mark the 23rd year of innkeeping for the Hanscoms.  That is a really long time. Really. Long.

I think the national average is 7 years or thereabouts. Most people burn out on working 24/7 rather quickly.  But there are those inns whose owners are in it for the long haul and that definitely includes the Hanscoms.

Sure, they have a live in innkeeper (me, Rita)  to give them a few evenings off each week.  And they’ve figured out a schedule that keeps everyone happy and gives us all a nice few days off in a row.  But even on her days off, Danielle will be here at the computer, sending out some email or doing something for the Maryland Bed and Breakfast association.  And Michael, well, he’s Mr. Fix-it, so he’s really lucky when he gets a day off.

But this year, for the first time ever, the Brampton Inn will close its doors for a little rest and rejuvenation for almost 3 weeks in December, reopening just in time for Christmas.  Early December is usually a little quiet here anyway.  Both Sophie and Simone (yes, 2 rooms are named after the youngest daughters!) will be home for the holidays and other friends and family will be dropping by.

I will be taking advantage of the time off to do something I have always wanted to do.  Many of you know that I am nuts about animals.  For years now, I have been planning to go to Best Friends Animal Sanctuary in Kanab, Utah and volunteer.   You might have heard of them from the TV show Dog Town on the National Geographic Channel.  They house dogs, cats, horses, pigs, parrots, wild birds, and rabbits on 33,000 acres.  All of the animals come from shelters or other situations where their time was up.  They also do nationwide outreach, education, adoptions, etc.  I will be staying in a little cabin at the sanctuary and working with dogs, cats and pot-bellied pigs.  I am so excited!!  If you’re interested or just wondering why on earth I would travel to Utah in December, check out their website:

In the meantime, we are getting geared up for the holiday next week, putting the final touches on our Christmas High Tea menu, and the usual end of year planning.

We hope to see you soon!


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